Best Deals KidKraft Outdoor Storage Bench w/ Cushion
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KidKraft Outdoor Storage
If you are interested the best KidKraft Outdoor Storage, you must not miss this review of cheap KidKraft Outdoor Storage Bench w/ Cushion for sale. Click here to read KidKraft Outdoor Storage customer reviews
Here are some of the great features of KidKraft Outdoor Storage Bench w/ Cushion
KidKraft Outdoor Storage, Toys, garden tools, picnic supplies? Load 'em up in this smart-looking all wood starage bench that doubles as extra seating for outdoor parties and play. Well crafted, sturdy construction with weather-resistant wood, pinch-free safety hinges and a comfy outdoor cushion on top. Approximately 51' x 32'W x 22'H. Max weight limit is 200lbs. Made of wood. Adult assembly required.
KidKraft Outdoor Storage Best Price Best Deals 2012. Check out best deal for KidKraft Outdoor Storage and Read Customer Reviews Here