Best Buy Nail and Copper Wire Cross Pendant on Leather Cord 30" [Free Shipping]
Are you looking for the best offers in Nail and Copper Wire Cross Pendant on Leather Cord 30" [Free Shipping] Cyber Monday Deals ? I found that the best place that sale Nail and Copper Wire lowest prices on Cyber Monday Deals is Amazon Store.
This Nail and Copper Wire is currently on sale. Click here to enjoy discounts up to 20% off retail price from Amazon
Where to Buy
This Nail and Copper Wire is currently on sale. Click here to enjoy discounts up to 20% off retail price from Amazon
Here are some of the great features of Nail and Copper Wire Cross Pendant on Leather Cord 30" [Free Shipping]
Holyland , Harness the power of the Son of God with this nail-and-copper-wire cross pendant crafted by Bob Siemon. Constructed of stainless steel nails bound together by copper wiring, this striking 1.5-by-.12-inch religious symbol represents Jesus's nailing on the cross for the sins of humanity. Suspended from a 30-inch leather cord, this unusual pendant is the perfect gift for the faith-driven man in your life.
- Nail Cross Pendant
- Leather
Best Buy Nail and Copper Wire. Black Friday & Cyber Monday Sale 2011 Nail and Copper Wire Cross Pendant on Leather Cord 30" [Free Shipping] Best Price. Fast & Super Saver Shipping. Hot Savings!