Best Buy Lutron MS-OPS2-IV Maestro 250 Watt Single Pole Occupancy Sensor Switch, Ivory | Christmas Deals 2011: Best Buy Lutron MS-OPS2-IV Maestro 250 Watt Single Pole Occupancy Sensor Switch, Ivory

Best Buy Lutron MS-OPS2-IV Maestro 250 Watt Single Pole Occupancy Sensor Switch, Ivory

This is a perfect time! The price on the best selling Lutron MS-OPS2-IV Maestro 250 Watt Single Pole Occupancy Sensor Switch, Ivory just dropped few days ago. After researching deeply I found Amazon store that is the best and the lowest price as I can find from online store.
This Lutron MS-OPS2-IV is available on Amazon for an immediate discount of 11% off! Click this link to save on this Lutron MS-OPS2-IV

Get discount in the Lutron MS-OPS2-IV Maestro 250 Watt Single Pole Occupancy Sensor Switch, Ivory on limited time offerr. We are recommended you to get this Lutron MS-OPS2-IV best price before time out or out of stock. We hope you still satisfied when you receive the Lutron MS-OPS2-IV best deals on your hand.

Here are some of the great features of Lutron MS-OPS2-IV Maestro 250 Watt Single Pole Occupancy Sensor Switch, Ivory

Lutron MS-OPS2-IV, This simple and easy, low cost solution for sensor based lighting/appliance control, is a great way to bring automation into your home. Avoid the frustration of having lights left on in areas like bathrooms, bedrooms, laundry rooms (commonly leaving with

  • Up to 250 W incandescent, halogen, electronic low voltage; 200 W magnetic low voltage; 150 W CFL/LED; or 2 amp ballasts
  • Uses Advanced XCT sensing technology, offering the most reliable on/off performance with up to 900 square feet coverage
  • Automatically turn lights on and off based on room occupancy
  • Works with all bulb types
  • Single-pole only
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Save on Lutron MS-OPS2-IV Maestro 250 Watt Single Pole Occupancy Sensor Switch, Ivory Best Buy Lutron MS-OPS2-IV Maestro 250 Watt Single Pole Occupancy Sensor Switch, Ivory. Compare Lutron MS-OPS2-IVFast & Super Saver Shipping. Time is running out! Order Now and SAVE