Low Price Hawaiian Hand Carved Bone Fish Hook Necklace
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Here are some of the great features of Hawaiian Hand Carved Bone Fish Hook Necklace
Hawaiian Hand Carved, The Meaning of the Hawaiian Bone Fish Hook
The deep connection and reverence the Hawaiians had for the ocean created the meaning behind the Hawaiian fish hook necklace. A bone fish hook represents strength, prosperity, abundance, and a great respect for the sea. Ancient Hawaiians believed that a bone necklace takes on part of the spirit of those who wear it. The necklace becomes a sacred link between people, spanning time and distance. Who wears the 'Lucky' Hawaiian Bone Fish Hook Necklace?
Hawaiian tradition says that fish hooks provide good luck and safe journey when going fishing and traveling. Given the relationship that Hawaiians have with the ocean, these Fish Hook Necklaces can be found hanging around the necks of Hawaii's very best anglers, captains and mates. The Makau symbolizes the strength and determination of these fishermen. Additionally, a fish hook is often worn by travelers for safe journey.
The Specifics of the Hawaiian Bone Fish Hook Necklace
Each fish hook is meticulously hand-crafted in the traditional "Hawaiian-style". This "lima Hana" (hand carved) hook is from the bone of the water buffalo, also known as the carabao. The edges are smoothly rounded and the entire piece has a highly polished luster and feels good to the touch. Over time, your bone pendant will "pick up" sebum, your body's natural oil. This will result in the pendant slowly taking on a slight soft honey golden hue. The bone carving acquires the essence, or "mana", of its owner. This is one of the great beauties of bone crafted jewelry. This hook measures 1" by 2". The necklace can withstand salt water, pool water, bath water, and sweat.
The Cord of the Hawaiian Bone Fish Hook Necklace
This Hawaiian bone fish hook comes with an adjustable soft cotton linen beige woven cord. Up to 28", a perfect fit for any style outfit. Each cord is hand braided to replicate ancient Hawaiian cordage.
- Spiritual and powerful heirloom!
- Perfect Gift for any Fisherman!
- Beautifully Handcrafted!
- Hand Carved from Maui Hawaii!
- Traditional Hawaiian Good Luck Amulet!
Hawaiian Hand Carved Review. Your Guide to Find Best Price Hawaiian Hand Carved Bone Fish Hook Necklace on Sale. Great Deal for Best Deals 2012.